Saturday, April 11, 2009

Terminator Lord, Bloodfeeder

Okay, decided to start posting pictures of my units and the progress in painting them, but as of yet the only decent pictures I have (since my camera kind of sucks) are of my lord.

It's a Terminator Lord with the Khornate Daemon Weapon, the Bloodfeeder (custom made) basically just two axe blades attached together. I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out, although I still need to get around to finishing up the trophy racks.





I realize the base isn't that great, but I have yet to really figure out how to make good ones.

1 comment:

  1. The base looks fine to me, honestly. The big rock that came in that kit is just a heap of win. A little bit of grass and corpse-bits and you can call it a day there.

    I almost want to say for future reference and/or more contrast, have you considered starting with purple and working up for the cloaks and maybe the reds?
