Friday, October 16, 2009

1850 Kharn Remix

Okay I've slacked off hard core in the past months, but I'll post something I've been contemplating before I have to actually work today (gasp!)

I've been running pretty much the same chaos lineup for...well...a fairly long time (at least in the # of games played) and have come to a realization: raptors really, really shouldn't be used as anti-troop marauders.

They've had a bad habit of getting bogged down in a single melee for significant portions of many games (i.e. Kroot fight lasting 4 turns) which completely negates their mobility. Although I do love the MoK attack-output, it just isn't turning out to be worthwhile.

Here's a list that I've been looking at (may need some tweaking as this computer doesn't have army buildier and I don't exactly have my codex with me):

Khorne 1850


Kharn the Betrayer


Chaos Space Marines x10
Aspiring Champion w/ Power Fist
Mark of Khorne
2x Melta

Chaos Space Marines x10
Aspiring Champion w/ Power Fist
Mark of Khorne
2x Melta

Khorne Berserkers x7
Skull champion w/ Power fist
Personal Icon
Rhino (Kharn with them)

Plague Marines x5
Personal Icon
Plasma gun x2 (hey I still need objective sitters...)

Fast Attack
Raptor x5
Chaos Glory
Melta x2

Raptor x5
Chaos Glory
Melta x2

Heavy Support
Daemon Possessed
Havoc Launcher (if I have the points...I used it last game and it worked rather well)

Obliterator x3

Extra CCA replacing the Autocannon

The basic lineup would work the same was as before, however keeping both squads of raptors in reserve. The icons would work for deepstriking them in accurately and hopefully cover a significant chunk of landscape. I've had a habit of popping my marines out of their vehicles to pop tanks, having a highly mobile devoted anti tank unit or two would free them up and allow me to focus more on capping objectives with my troop choices.

I'll ponder more on this later, time for work.